BARIATRIC Surgery Perth | Best OBESITY and WEIGHT Loss Surgeon - Dr Ravi Rao Lap band surgery weight loss surgery


Gastric Banding is a restrictive form of weight loss surgery, meaning that it reduces the amount of food that can be consumed in any one sitting.

  • Gastric Banding
  • Adujstable Gastric Banding





Adjustable Band


Access port

  • Gastric banding can be performed laparoscopically (minimally invasive)
  • Adjustable: The band is non-allergenic, adjustable and can be periodically tightened or loosened (quickly and easily) to accelerate or deceleration weight loss according to the patient’s needs.
  • Reversible: It is removable in case of need However patients will regain most or all of the weight they lost if it is improved

Who might prefer LAP band Surgery or procedure?

  • Banding may not require long-term nutritional and dietary supplementation.
  • Children and adolescents.
  • Women who want to lose weight before pregnancy.

Expected weight loss

Gastric banding is major surgery and comes with all the risks associated with a surgical procedure. Weight loss is slower than gastric bypass or gastric sleeve procedures. If the band is removed; generally patients will regain most or all of the weight they lost. While it makes you feel full sooner, it does not curb hunger as the portion of the stomach that produces hunger hormones remains intact.

It may not be right for people who do not wish to have a device implanted permanently.

weigh machine Lap band surgery Dr Ravi Rao

Follow-up schedule

  • Hospitalization of less than 24 hours post-surgery and return to normal activity within a week.
  • Full recovery may take up to 2 weeks.
  • Band adjustments several times during the first 12 to 18 months after surgery.
  • 3 to 5 follow-up appointments the first year, then once per year thereafter.
  • Regular checks for anaemia (low red blood cell count), vitamin B12, folate, and iron levels

An Appointment

Reach out to us to book a consultation with Dr. Ravi Rao and learn about your various options for bariatric surgery.

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