Bariatric surgery and obesity. A healthy lifestyle begins with bariatric surgery for obese people. Dr Ravi Rao, Perth. Western Australia

Bariatric Surgery: A Head Start To Staying Healthy (Part 2 of 2)

Published on June 9 , 2024 | 3 Minutes to Read

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Obesity increases susceptibility to various serious diseases such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases, and bone degenerative diseases. After making several futile attempts to lose weight through conservative methods, people usually turn to weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery in Perth and other places.Bariatric surgery helps shed the extra weight, reducing patient’s risk of developing obesity-related diseases. In the first instalment of our two-part series, ‘Bariatric Surgery: A Head Start To Staying Healthy’, we discussed a few medical conditions that witness improvement post bariatric surgery. In this second instalment, we discuss a few more medical conditions that make to the list.


Several studies have shown a link between obesity and cancer. Fatty tissue may produce estrogen in excess amounts, which may increase the risk of developing breast and endometrial cancers. People struggling with excess weight often have high levels of insulin, which may promote growth of cancer cells.

Cancers linked with obesity include breast cancer, uterine cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, and endometrial cancer. A new study conducted on 6,800 obese patients showed that patients who underwent bariatric surgery had the risk of developing cancer reduced by up to 80 percent.

High Blood Pressure

Obesity indicates high cholesterol in the blood. Over time, cholesterol accumulates on the walls of arteries, thus making them narrow, hard, and less elastic. The heart pumps blood harder through the narrow arteries, causing the blood pressure to increase in the arteries. High blood pressure may weaken your eyes, kidneys, and even lead to other cardiovascular diseases.

Diet and exercise may help in the overweight patient, however, people struggling with clinically severe obesity need bariatric surgery. Depending on the BMI, type of weight loss surgery procedure, and other factors, 52 to 92 percent of patients with hypertension had their condition improved or resolved post bariatric surgery.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which people experience interrupted breathing such as loud snoring or long pauses during their sleep. Most sleep apnea patients are unaware of their condition until someone tells them.

Untreated sleep apnea may cause several problems such as heart attack, depression, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Obesity is counted among the chief causes of sleep apnea. Post bariatric surgery, 74 to 98 percent of patients had the sleep apnea condition eradicated.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

GERD is a digestive disorder wherein the valve between the stomach and esophagus (food pipe) does not function properly and causes stomach acid to splash into the esophagus. GERD causes inflammation and other painful effects in the esophagus. It may also damage the lining of the esophagus or cause cancer.

People with abdominal obesity are more likely to develop gastroesophageal reflux disease. Obese people with GERD may opt for bariatric surgery. According to a study, 72 to 98 percent of patients with GERD had the disorder eliminated post bariatric surgery.

The Way Forward

Weight loss surgery procedures are different for people with different BMIs and obesity-linked diseases. Perth Surgical & Bariatrics offers different weight loss surgery procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy, and various types of gastric bypass. Our team of specialized doctors work closely with every patient and provide the best solutions after carefully examining their needs and other pertinent factors. Contact us at 08 6558 1901 or write us at our Contact page to know more about our services.





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